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Summary of Old Testament.  Genealogy of Jesus Christ.   Magical and Mystical stories from the Bible such as Heaven and Earth, Adam & Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah's Ark, Moses' 10 Commandments, Esau & Jacob the Twins, Joseph the Beautiful Dreamer, David & Goliath, King Solomon, Samson & Delilah Joseph and Virgin Mary, Birth of Christ,  Jesus's 12 Desciples, Betrayal, Persecution, Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ.  Jesus is Our Savior and Everlasting Life.   Magical and Mystical stories were always real stories from the Bible.

Heartbreaking And Mystical But Magical Bible Stories

SKU: 500-04
  • Please Read the Old Testament and the New Testament.  This book is a very magical bible stories you can cherish.

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