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Share your story, thoughts and support!  It's Important to Rehabilitate, Be Well and Move On!!!!   Get Well and  Be Happy!   Mental Illness is a serious Psychiatric Disorder that interferes with person's daily life and happiness.  Once diagnosed with a Psychiatric Disorder-- it is a LAW to take Medication.  It is against the LAW for Psychiatrist NOT to medicate a patient because the patient refuses Medication-- although some patients believed they have the right to refuse (but the patients do NOT have the right to refuse!)  but it is the LAW  the Psychiatric patients cannot go UNTREATED.  It is a STATE LAW Order patients, to take medication --Psychiatric patients have to take Medication!  If people go untreated, symptoms will get worse -- will not gain any mental health, coping strategies or wellness is better with Medication and Therapies!   Please don't be upset taking Medications!  Don't be resentful of Medication so much but resent the illness, the bad stuff you went through because of your symptoms!  It is not your fault that you have to take meds, but be assured that it  helps!  Be a good patient, communicate, talk about it with your Doctors and therapists and Work well with them.

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It is not the end of the world to be diagnosed with mental illness.  It all depends on you--how well you do.  And remember you would have to live your life well.  You have to keep your problems including mental illness to a minimum and do the  best you can achieving life time goals and happiness like everyone else.  Some people will tell you that you are mentally ill that you will never get better, that there is no cure and they do not expect you to do well or even be normal!  Not if you were diagnosed with mental illness.  These people are the Doctors and Clinicians who really do not sound like they are are going to help you.  But they just didn't want people to have any false hope or any hope  at all!  There is a very long history of abuse, stigma, and the poorest care in Mental Hospitals!

Medication and Therapies can only help!   Patients who go untreated for many years without being treated results being too hard to treat!  Patients who live without treatments--would live with mental illness and will not get better!  Medication and Therapies will help you to be stable, be well and do well at home, school and at social settings.  Medication is for you to  think normally, stabilize mood, relieve anxiety, depression and other symptoms.  Doctors supposed to be healers-- first acknowledge your disorder, symptoms, problems and let the Doctors help you.  Although there isn't any cure for mental illness, prognoses are good for most people taking Medication & Therapy.  Good News! Most people go back to work after hospitalization and most people will get much better over time, even for people who are labeled as chronic sufferers.  Increase clear and positive thinking and doing positive things.  People have to do lots of positive things to get over negative experiences to have and achieve Mental Health.   The statistics are high for people who were abused psychologically, mentally, emotionally, physically and se*ually who are mentally ill or became mentally ill.

Your Basic Needs has to be met -- 

1.  Physical Survival Needs-- Food, Water, Shelter, Sleep and Oxygen. 

2.  Safety Needs--To feel Safe at home and in the world, have security. 

3. Love and Belonging Needs--Family or Belonging; need to belong in a group, family, religion, town or class. 

4.  Self Esteem--Prestige, Knowing Self Worth, Sense of Accomplishment, Self Respect and Respect for others. 

5. Self Actualization--Spiritual Needs are met--spiritual growth, One's potential is achieved.

These 5 Basic Needs has to be met for people to have satisfaction, quality of life!   Stay productive!  People have to do lots of fun, positive things, laugh to release endorphins, chemicals in your brain to stay happy!  Otherwise depressed brain, which is no good!  You may be living with Psychiatric Disorder and there might not be cure for it, but you can definitely minimize problems  and  you can live productive, healthy life!  Improved Self-Esteem is a Key Psychological Benefit by doing positive things, praying, working, exercise, positive thinking, reading, etc.  Please check out Recreation Activity Page.  I hope you will laugh and enjoy!  Please share your stories, contribute and share Triumphs, your prayers, Jokes, Riddles and any Great Fun Stories...Or Share your Stories that will help stop the bad, Abuses, mal-treatments at hospitals.   Share your Thoughts to help others! Share how well you are doing.  To Remove Abuse and Prejudices, Bigotry and Stigma!    Email:

Physical Health

Diet & Exercise--  Everyone knows how important Diet and Exercise are for your health.  You have to plan your meals.  It's more economical!!  Please avoid fatty foods like Fatty Meats, Fast Food, Fried Food, Dairy Products such as Butter, Cheese, and Whole Milk and Processed Foods like Doughnuts, Pastries.  You MUST WATCH the Cholesterol intake.  If you cannot lower your Cholesterol level by Diet and Exercise, then please take Cholesterol Medication.  High Cholesterol level will lead to very high risk of having a heart attack and stroke.  Please enjoy Lowering  Cholesterol Diet which is lots of-- Whole Grain Cereal; oatmeal, oat bran, Fish, Salmon, Avocados, Walnuts. Fruits, Vegetables every day-- through out the  whole year!  LIMIT SALT and ALCOHOL & SUGAR!  Too much Fatty Foods & Sugar can cause Obesity and Diabetes!!  Eating delicious foods produce endorphins!!  Which  Reduces Pain and Stress.   So does Laughter and Exercise, Music Therapy, Aroma Therapy, Pizza Therapy & Beer Therapy!   They have the same effect/affect as the greatest Doctors and Therapists who make you feel really great! Or make you feel better.                 

Exercise-- Walking is best exercise, and it's the exercise almost anyone can do.  Also, there are fun chair exercises you can do sitting at home!  Watch some videos on Chair Exercise and learn how to exercise while watching T.V. Or just sitting and moving your hands, arms and legs, your head, twisting your waist--low impact exercises, etc.!  Especially when weather is bad outside!  A lot of you DID exercise when you were young!  Do exercise again or start Exercising!  It's never too late to eat right and exercise!  Exercise release endorphins too! Maybe you will learn how to dance!  Watch some videos!

Please STOP SMOKING!  Stop smoking can add 15-35 years to your life!  Smoking can cause LUNG CANCER and other illness and diseases! Dental Care  Poor Dental Care will result in bad breath, food will taste terrible, can cause gum disease, other health problems and diseases, also causes tooth decay and cavities; can have your teeth extracted!  This is even excruciatingly painful!    Please brush your teeth everyday, after every meal, floss as well.   Please have Annual Physical Check Ups and Dental Appointments! Thank you! Stay Healthy!  Feel Well! 

Employment     Most people will go back to work after Hospitalization.  This is good news!  Everyone who are diagnosed with Psychiatric Disorder needs tremendous support from their family, friends, at work place and in the world.  Taking Medication and Therapy will help you to work, go to school, be well & be happy at home and in social settings!  It is very important Doctors provide treatments well for your illness, along with good support, progress towards wellness and recovery, being a coach and providing great guidance so that you will be successful in school and at work and life!   Many people use professional Jobsites such as,, and many other jobsites when looking for a job.  There are recruiters, also many employment opportunities with big companies, drug store chains, or stores such as,, or small individual  websites for local businesses.  It is a good idea to keep your Psychiatric Disorder CONFIDENTIAL If you feel strongly that you don't have any disability, there isn't anything that job requires that you can't do.  Why should you say that your are disabled?   You don't have to say you are disabled if you don't want to, not if you are able to work.  But, if you strongly feel that people can't discriminate against you because of your Disability, then please exercise your rights.  Employers are supposed to be Equal Rights employer.  However, it is a good idea to keep your Psychiatric Disorder confidential at work and with people you don't know very well.  People don't understand--they think they are treating you like a mentally ill person-- they don't know how to treat you like everyone else!  But if you found a work place being yourself and you are accepted (with mental illness) then you have found friends!!!!  You are so blessed! Please check out Magazine, Flyer online For Job Posting,  Employment Opportunities, Place Ads, Music & Arts!

Penny Saved is Penny Earned 

Did you know that average Americans spend $300 on UNNECESSARY items every month?  That's $300 SAVINGS every month! SAVING of $100 per month will be $1200 per year!  That's $12,000 in 10 years! 

Did you know that average Americans have $8,000 in their bank account?   You will have that much too!  If you SAVE!!!  Penny Saved is Penny Earned! 

You are expected to do well!   The prognoses are good--Once you find out what is wrong, you are supposed to work with good Doctors and treatments, and with the Therapist's help and support, and Medication-- (very important!) you are expected get well!   People prayed a lot for Medications when we didn't have medication in the past, and we will continue to pray a lot for Medication that will be better for people getting well--close to cure, if not finding the cure, such Medications someday!  With these treatments and support -- you will get well, able you to live and work, and be happy!   

What is Expected of You As a Patient 

1.  Seek good Doctors and Treatments (Medication & Therapies). 

2.  Be Respectful and Respectable--Respect the Doctors and Therapists and Expect them to treat you like an intelligent adult with Respect. 

3.  Recognize and Identify the Problems--Fully admit and recognize your Mental Illness or your problems -- why you were diagnosed with Mental Illness.   

4.  Seek help to get better--Work with Doctors, you are able to think normally, minimize Mental Illness and increase productivity, normal thinking and activities, and gaining of Mental Health. 

5.  Recognize Your Wellness & Identify your Strength--Recognize your Wellness, your Strength as opposed to mental illness,  and problems.   

6.  Seek and get help, and support to eliminate or minimize anxiety, stress, depression, Mental Illness, etc.  So that you can lead a stable,  healthy and productive life.  If you have Doctors, Therapists, and family and friends who are caring and supportive--You are the luckiest one!    

But if you are NOT getting the help you want from the Doctors and Therapists --They are No help to you, and  you are NOT getting better-- Please seek and get other  Doctors and Therapists who are good for you --  Good help is so hard to find sometimes!   You are expected to fully recover or get well and do good!   Please be a big part of being Responsible Patient--You will take all the credit being well! 

Case Management 

You are expected to live in the Community caring about yourselves and your family, and others.  Caring about yourselves and helping yourselves include--Your Mental Health, your  Physical Health, Healthy Lifestyle overall,  providing the care needed for your individual problems, setbacks, persistent challenges, recovery, and achieving your goals.  Great Positive Attitude is needed and it's very important -- praying and living a healthy good life day to day is most important!   I strongly feel it's free country and you can think whatever you want, people are not psychiatrists or mind readers!  But please be well and do well, and be happy!   Did you know the 12 step recovery program for alcoholics are just having the Lord in your life?  Praying instead of drinking? Praying to God & Jesus is empowerment!     Available soon is the Case Management service, but it  is NOT paid by medicare or medicaid or any other insurance.  There is $50 annual fee for Contact/Case Manager for Reference for your Employment and In Case of emergency.  You have to to everything for yourself including living  healthily and being happy.  But if you really, really need  Case Management  it will be available soon.

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